We design and operate modern workplaces that are collaborative, engaging, and economical, while being environmentally sustainable. Download our sustainability checklist.

Investments in sustainable design features and lean operations go into the expansion of our offices and we encourage clients to embrace stewardship as well as financial success.
Industry + Client actions we've taken: ​
With clients and partners, we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and waste by conducting sustainability reviews for design projects - to confirm that all design promotes energy conservation, natural light, and waste reduction.
Providing clients with Level II ASHRAE audits to identify opportunities for energy reduction and rebates.
We are reducing client operational costs through the use of industry best practices and sustainable certification goals with regard to facility and utility infrastructure design. These include:
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
My Green Lab
I2SL Labs21 Smart Labs Design Guidelines
American Society for Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA)
For challenging mission-critical facilities like hospitals, data centers, and manufacturing plants we deliver design and automation solutions that balance the trade-offs between facility, mission-critical utility, and life safety requirements with energy conservation. This is done by performing reliability, capacity, and cost analysis to identify design solutions that not only promote sustainability but reduce operational costs while meeting critical requirements.
For all clients, we encourage the development and use of a Lean Energy Program (LEP) which includes yearly energy, water, and waste reduction goals supported by technical requirements, design guidelines, and utility monitoring. Additionally, we encourage the use of KPIs and monthly reports to provide accountability.
Employee Collaboration​
Within HIPP we are eliminating waste by moving to paperless work workflows, reducing single-use plastics in our break rooms, optimizing HVAC, maximizing natural light, and encouraging remote work to eliminate travel when possible.
Additionally, designs are reviewed using a sustainable design checklist to confirm that all designs promote energy conservation and waste reduction by leveraging sustainability best practices where appropriate.
Partner + Supplier Collaboration​
As part of our goal to enhance the overall health of our community, HIPP partners with environmentally responsible suppliers and other LEED-accredited design firms to deliver solutions that are technically superior and environmentally responsible.
Our suppliers must source responsibly by adopting a policy of responsible sourcing and passing this requirement through their supply chain. Additionally, they must communicate sourcing by providing HIPP with information about sourcing for products and lead times supplied to us.